Johannes Papo Apps

World Alternative News
Johannes Papo
World Alternative News brings youcurrentevents around the world from media houses alternative tomainstream media. This app has put together several alternativenewsnetwork such as Russia Today, FARS News, Press TV, SputnikNews,Global Times, SANA, Alalam, SABA News and TASS. More newsnetworksmay be added in the future.
Sepedi Bible 1.2
Johannes Papo
Bible Sepedi is a New World Translation oftheHoly Scriptures in Sepedi Language. This app has been designedinsuch a way as to make it easy to read and understand. Thefirstscreen shows two tabs (one for the old testament and anotherforthe new testament.With just one click on the book name you can then move toseconpage (chapters), and can then click a chapter of choice tomove tothe verses. It is also simple to select another book byeitherusing a drop down at the top of the page or buttons at thebottomof the page. The same also applies to verses page.In the third page (verses) the user has the option of movingtothe next page using buttons at the botton of the page or oneorboth of the drop downs (drop down for chapters and anotherdropdown for books) at the top of the pageThere is also a menu in the top right of the main page.Thoughthe menu selection the user get get information about theapp, thebible contained and also introduction to reading.This app is also informative in case the user wants to knowhowmany verses are contained in the chapter or how many chaptersarecontained in a specific book or how many books in atestament.Enjoy using this app and always ask for God's forbetterunderstanding before reading the bible.